Teaching Award 2024 for Prof. Marc Spehr
Januar 24, 2025
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Marc Spehr was awarded the Teaching Award of €5,000 on November 22, 2024, by the Student Council of Biological Sciences at RWTH Aachen University.

This award recognizes the exceptional commitment of lecturers to university teaching and reflects the appreciation of students for outstanding teaching performance.
Congratulations to Prof. Marc Spehr and Prof. Marco Oldiges on their well-deserved recognition!
New Publication: Single-neuron representations of odours in the human brain
Oktober 23, 2024
Marcel S. Kehl, Sina Mackay, Kathrin Ohla, Matthias Schneider, Valeri Borger, Rainer Surges, Marc Spehr & Florian Mormann (2024) Single-neuron representations of odours in the human brain. Nature 634, 626–634 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08016-5
Progress Report Retreat: A Successful Three-Day Event
September 12, 2024

From September 4th to 6th, 2024, our team gathered for a productive and enjoyable three-day retreat at Gut Alte Heide to present and discuss our progress report.
Each team member had the opportunity to present their data, which led to engaging discussions and valuable feedback. These presentations not only showcased our progress but also allowed us to learn from each other and improve our scientific presentation techniques.
After the talks, we had a lot of fun together. Being in nature and away from everyday distractions helped us bond as a team and recharge our creative energies.
Overall, the event was a great success. We left with new insights, stronger connections, and renewed enthusiasm for the next phase of our project.
Veränderungen im Sekretariat
August 5, 2024
Unsere Sekretärin Marijke Steitz hat das Institut verlassen, um eine längere Reise anzutreten. Ihre Aufgaben übernimmt ab sofort Theresa Schürz. Wir danken Marijke herzlich für ihre tolle Arbeit und wünschen ihr alles Gute auf ihren Wegen und eine tolle Erfahrung!

News from ISOT 2024 Reykjavik, Iceland
Juli 1, 2024

The chemosensation laboratory was represented by 8 members (Victoria Switacz, Hannah-Lena Tröger, Melissa Franke, Andres Hernandez-Clavijo, Lena Terlau, Fabian Quicken, Friederike Seifert, Christoph Hamacher) at the international symposium for smell and taste (ISOT) in Reykjavik, Iceland. In total, they presented 7 posters. Andres received a travel grant. Congrats, Andres!
New Publication: A revised conceptual framework for mouse vomeronasal pumping and stimulus sampling
Februar 19, 2024
Christoph Hamacher, Rudolf Degen, Melissa Franke, Victoria K. Switacz, David Fleck, Raghu Ram Katreddi, Andres Hernandez-Clavijo, Martin Strauch, Nao Horio, Enno Hachgenei, Jennifer Spehr, Stephen D. Liberles, Dorit Merhof, Paolo E. Forni, Geraldine Zimmer-Bensch, Yoram Ben-Shaul, and Marc Spehr (2024) A revised conceptual framework for mouse vomeronasal pumping and stimulus sampling, Current Biology 34, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2024.01.036
News from ECRO 2023 in Nijmegen
Oktober 6, 2023

7 members of the Chemosensation laboratory attended the annual meeting of the European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO). They represented the lab in full forces: Victoria, Christoph, Johanna and Moritz successfully presented their projects on posters. Additionally, Victoria, Andres and Moritz organized a symposium called ‚Novel perspectives in mouse olfaction‘, inviting junior group leaders to present their current work. The Spehr lab was represented with a talk in this symposium held by Friederike.
Johanna received a ECRO travel grant to cover for her expenses. Congrats Johanna!

News from the ETW2023
Juni 18, 2023

Five members of our group, Jerome Schröer, Lina Kenzler, David Fleck, Michelle Nowara, and Ilian Schröder (from left to right in the photo), attended the European Testis Workshop 2023 (ETW2023). This workshop brought together experts from the fields of reproductive biology and medicine to share their insights.
Four of our participants received funding from the Male Contraceptive Initiative (MCI) to cover their travel expenses. Lina Kenzler, Michelle Nowara, Jerome Schröer, and Ilian Schröder were the recipients of this grant, enabling their valuable contributions to the conference.
News from AChemS 2023
April 24, 2023

Lena Terlau, Friederike Seifert, Stefanie Kurth, Melissa Franke, and Marc Spehr attended the annual meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS) 2023, which took place in Bonita Springs, Florida.

Lena received a travel grant from the European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) that funded her participation. Moreover, at the meeting, Lena won the prestigious AChemS Award for Undergraduate Research for her poster presentation entitled “Insights into Adult Neurogenesis of Vomeronasal Sensory Neurons” Congratulations, Lena!!!
News from NWG Göttingen
März 25, 2023

Victoria Switacz, Hannah Tröger, Moritz Nesseler and Friederike Seifert travelled to Göttingen and participated at the 15th Göttingen meeting of the German Neuroscience Society. They all successfully presented great posters.
See you again in 2025, Göttingen!