Technician / Lab Manager
Started in:
August 2006
Fields of Research:
Project spanning
Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Histology
Phone: +49 (0)241 / 80-20805
Fleck D, Mundt N, Bruentgens F, Geilenkirchen P, A Machado P, Veitinger T, Veitinger S, Engelhardt CH, Oldiges M, Spehr J, Spehr M (2016) Distinct purinergic signaling pathways in prepubescent mouse spermatogonia. The Journal of General Physiology 148: 253-271. |
Cichy A, Ackels T, Tsitoura C, Kahan A, Gronloh N, Söchtig M, Engelhardt CH, Ben-Shaul Y, Müller F, Spehr J, Spehr M (2015) Extracellular pH regulates excitability of vomeronasal sensory neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience 35: 4025-4039. |
Veitinger S, Veitinger T, Cainarca S, Fluegge D, Engelhardt CH, Lohmer S, Hatt H, Corrazza S, Spehr J, Neuhaus EM, Spehr M (2011) Mitochondrial Ca2+ Mobilization in Purinergic Mouse Sertoli Cell Signaling. J. Physiol. 589: 5033–5055. |
Hagendorf S, Fluegge D, Engelhardt C, Spehr M (2009). Homeostatic control of sensory output in basal vomeronasal neurons: activity-dependent expression of ether-à-go-go-related gene potassium channels. J. Neurosci. 29: 206-221. |